Friday, March 3, 2023

Wk 7: How should I respond to AI: Part III ......... Adept to AI

You guessed it! Part III is ADEPT! Time to become adept in AI 

As I have mentioned in a couple of blogs now, adapting and adopting AI will only be a way to help you be more knowledgeable. However, taking action at some point and learning to develop AI or some software programs will be the best way to go about it for the future. Professor Todd suggests in his book, “Surfing the Tsunami”, to look at emerging platforms as a way to assist with AI, however not using it as a replacement to learn some core skills. Here are some suggestions: 

Google AutoML 

Professor Todd mentions an interesting article that suggests that by 2040 humans might not even write code at all and computers will be. Here is the link 


Some recommendations from all my research are to continue to learn and as fast as you can if possible. A quick way to be up to date is setting up Google alerts about assistive platforms. Other ideas are to make learning AI more fun and creative, use apps in your phone to make it easier. If you are a visual person like me, you can utilize YouTube and search videos such as the ones from Andrew Ng and other views such as those from Elon Musk.  

Here is a fun video to watch from the Jimmy Fallon Show: 

Another way to learn is through games. Check out Also, you can Google games for learning coding. You can also use apps such as Coursera, DataCamp, and Khan Academy. Andrew Ng has some online courses on Coursera. Start exploring with some coding programs such as Python and R.  

I hope that by now you have seen how important the world of AI is becoming! Let me know your thoughts! 

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