Friday, February 24, 2023

Wk 6: Google Ad campaign

Google Ads is the Google platform for advertising capabilities. This platform is available to help businesses connect with millions of individuals to advertise their product and generate better results.   

Google Ads allows you to create campaigns and set up a budget and many other specifics in order to target the audience you want.

Something I started to work on was Smart campaigns. It is a quick and easy way to start promoting a business. I started running an Ad campaign for a family member’s business and this has been my experience so far.  

The Ad required some imagination in order to come up with the best headlines. Google will shuffle them around as it is shown, in order for them to be more effective. I added also, images, logos, keyworks, and the area I would like it advertised in. Also, I set my own budget. Here is one of the Ads: 

I started the
campaign on January 22
nd. So far here are my results: 

So far I am happy with the results. I believe it will take time and maybe a bigger budget. Have you tried Google Ads? Let me know your thoughts! 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Wk 6: How should I respond to AI? .........Part II

 3 Suggestions on how to respond to AI …...cont. 

Last week I started doing a recap of the 3 suggested options for responding to AI by Professor Todd in his book Surfing the Tsunami. The first one was Adapt, today I will talk about Adopt, and next week I will blog about Adept.   


The idea of adopting is synonym with advocating. As you get to learn more about AI and read some of the articles and news I mentioned last week, then you can share it with others in your life. A major part is learning to allow data to speak for itself and you can understand it better as you research it more.  

Professor Todd suggests that AI is more than just automation. He mentions that you could actually fil the blank with almost anything, starting with “Did you hear how they used AI to …" 

Think of all the devices that exist that gather data constantly and it has been difficult knowing what to do with it. AI has been making those tasks much easier. Many existing platforms have been adopting AI and automation for different purposes. Google is one of those companies that have been using automation marketing to help other companies and increase their profits tremendously. With programs such as Google Adwords, each business can track the results of their advertisements.   Other automation platforms for companies with a larger budget can be Kenshoo or Marin. Another example of an Intelligent Automation Platform is Optmyzr. If you don’t know about them, it is time to learn something new and start adopting them into your life. It can definitely help you.  

If you start thinking about your daily activities, work and school, I am sure you can think of some type of AI that can make your job easier. I would suggest you look it up and see if it exists and see how it can help you, otherwise it might be an idea for a new process. Of course, you can Google new platforms. Such as: 

BEST OF10 Best AI Tools for social media 

Maybe try “ new AI platforms for _______ “  

Here are some platforms to check out: 

 What are your thoughts? Let me know some AI platforms you found, happy search! 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

WK 5: How should I respond to AI? .........Here are some suggestions

For those that don’t know, I am currently working on my MBA and taking a course on marketing and brand management. One of our books is written by my professor Dr. Todd Kelsey. The book is “Surfing the Tsunami.” In the book professor Todd provides 3 suggested options for responding to AI. Adapt, Adopt, and Adept.  

Level 1: Adapt 

This is the first step to taking a deeper dive in integrating AI into your life. What can you do to take a more proactive approach to learning something and working towards it. If you are like me, an overachiever and multi-tasker, you tend to be curious and ready to jump in right away to learn and know all about it. However, most people take time to get there. Professor Todd points out that it can be difficult to do if you are easily distracted, especially with so many things that take our focus and time in the daily.  

So how to go from passive to active? The key word I think is awareness. Have you ever thought about buying a car and then all of a sudden you realize how many of that same car you see around now? Well, I am pretty sure that the cars didn’t just multiply, but that now you are more aware of them. Same with AI! If you are intentional about learning more about it, you can start by being a bit proactive and doing some research and reading. You can take some time every week and calendar it, so you don’t forget. It is all about making it a habit. Something I use for work mainly is setting up alerts of articles or news that mention a topic I want to be up to date about. Here is how: 

1. Go to Google Alerts 

2. In the box at the top, enter the topic you want to follow 

3. Under “show options” you can choose your preferences 

4. Don’t forget to enter your email and then “create alert.” 

Now that you have some ideas on where to find info, it's time to dig in. Here are some from professor Todd: 

1. Read Articles 

Here are some from Surfing the Tsunami: 

News outlets recommended are: 

And of course, you can Google AI news. 

2. Read Books 

Some recommended by Professor Todd are: 

Hope you found it interesting so far........Level 2:"Adapt" is coming soon!

Let me know your thoughts and how you are planning to start learning more about AI below!  


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Wk 5: Marketing trends for 2023


The world of marketing is still changing quickly as 2023 approaches. In order to effectively engage their audiences and increase corporate growth, marketers must remain on top of the most recent trends as a result of emerging technology, consumer behaviors, and societal changes. We'll look at some of the major marketing trends to watch in 2023 in this blog. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

Although customization has been a marketing term for a while, in 2023, we'll see an even greater emphasis on AI-powered customization. Marketers may examine enormous volumes of data to identify unique client preferences and customize their marketing messages by utilizing machine learning and artificial intelligence. Larger engagement rates, improved customer experiences, and eventually higher revenues can result from this. 

According to Brand 24 , some of the most popular are ChatGPT, Dall-E, and Jasper.

Voice Search Optimization 

It's crucial for marketers to optimize their content for voice search as speech-activated assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant gain popularity. This entails using more conversational language, optimizing for long-tail keywords, and making sure that voice search queries can easily find your material. 

Influencer Marketing 

Since a few years ago, influencer marketing has become a well-liked tactic, but in 2023, we'll see more brands collaborating with micro-influencers. These are people who have smaller, more specialized fan bases yet who have enormous power inside their specialty communities. Brands may reach these highly engaged audiences and develop more sincere relationships with their customers by working with micro-influencers. 

Social Commerce 

With the rise of voice-activated assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, social media sites are becoming more popular as shopping locations. In 2023, social commerce will receive even more attention. In-app shopping tools are already being tested on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, and more firms will likely take advantage of these chances to increase sales and forge stronger relationships with their fans. It is very easy now to add items to your Amazon cart just asking Alexa to order it for you.      

Social responsibility and sustainability 

Brands that value sustainability and social responsibility will have a competitive advantage in 2023 as consumers become more environmentally and socially aware. Customers like to support businesses that share their values, therefore in order to engage their audiences, marketers must find ways to demonstrate their dedication to these causes. 

Personalized Marketing 

Personalized marketing is a very valuable resource, especially because many agencies are fighting for the attention of the customers. Another tool to personalize its social listening to find the specific market for your product. 

Social media marketing  

It is not surprising that social media marketing continues to grow. Even if Instagram seems to be more popular than Facebook nowadays, they have a different audience. So, it is definitely not going away anytime soon. Check out this article by APPYPIE to learn more stats about it.   


Even though it is not really considered social media, it is a growing platform that can definitely help target the desired audience for a service or product. Here are some stats from Brand24 in user growth since 2015. 

Consequently, 2023 looks to be a fun year for marketers. Brands can continue to develop stronger connections with their audiences and promote business growth by keeping up with these important trends and utilizing the newest technology and methods. I hope you liked my choices, if not feel free to Google some more trends as there are many articles about it!  

As always, let me know your thoughts below! 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Wk4 - Is ChatGPT plagiarism? And how do I cite it?


A constant question that seems to come up when talking about AI tools is how to cite them or if it's even necessary.  I guess the question also depends how you are using the information and what the goal is. These questions have sparked conversations in the education systems mainly. According to an article by The short answer to coach students to use ChatGPT in an ethical way, is to cite.  

Let see what ChatGPT thinks about it: 

“It depends on the context in which you are using information obtained from ChatGPT. If you are using information from ChatGPT in a research paper, academic article, or any other formal written work, it is generally appropriate to provide a citation. The exact form of the citation would depend on the citation style you are using and the information you are citing. However, if you are using information from ChatGPT in a casual conversation or in a non-academic setting, a citation is typically not necessary. 

 It's important to note that while OpenAI has trained ChatGPT to have a vast amount of information, it is generated by a machine and may not always be accurate or reliable. Therefore, it's always a good idea to double-check information obtained from ChatGPT with other sources before using it in a formal context.” (ChatGPT, 2021) 

Good to know! But most of us are used to using some type of convention such as APA to site our work. I surely use Scribbr or the Purdue Owl for my school papers. So, how do we site ChatGPT in APA style? Let's ask ChatGPT: 

“If you would like to cite ChatGPT in APA style, you could use the following format: 

 OpenAI (2021). ChatGPT. [Chatbot]. Available at [or insert specific URL if applicable]. 

 Note that this is just a general example, and you may need to modify the citation based on the specific information you are using and the context in which you are using it. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that ChatGPT is a machine-generated source, and its information may not always be accurate or reliable. As such, it is always a good idea to verify information obtained from ChatGPT with other sources before using it in a formal context.” (ChatGPT, 2021) 

Other sources, such as The University of Queensland, Australia, actually define how should AI tools be cited in the different styles. Find the full article HERE

I found this very interesting video on YouTube that can assist with some ways to use ChatGPT and avoid plagiarism.  

I also found out about another paraphrasing app that you can use to help modify your ChatGPT answers and make them more your own. Use it at your own risk and let me know your thoughts. Here is Quillbot. Like always, write a comment and let me know your thoughts! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The world of marketing & TikTok


According to Business of Apps , TikTok has been the most downloaded app with more than 3 billion total downloads and over 1 billion active users. It is not a coincidence that brands all over the world are looking at using TikTok influencing for marketing purposes.  

But what is TikTok influencer marketing? know those short clips of people dancing? Or them and their dad embarrassing them while they are trying to do a dancing choreo? Yes...... influencers, or people with lots of followers, can partner with a brand and demonstrate the product in those short videos. People that follow them might be intrigued to try the product and not feel like they are being sold to. Yes, the power of social media.

 There is a popular hashtag #TikTokmademebuyit that proofs that many people do get influenced by what they see. Aspire claims that about 34% of users have bought a product they saw in TikTok. 

The article in Aspire explains how TikTok’s algorithm is designed to target in a more precise way the audience wanted. It is aligned to each individual’s hobbies and interest which makes it more personalized.  

Here is an example from Peach & Lilly! 

What do you think?? Have you bought something that you saw on TikTok? 

Wk 4: How to write a simple marketing plan

So...... how do I write a marketing plan?

You are not the only one asking that question! So here is something to help you.

 The Seven-Sentence Guerrilla Marketing Strategy 

According to Conrad Levinson in his book Guerilla Marketing, you should never go into business without a simple marketing plan. The book proposes to create one with seven simple sentences, here is how: 

  1. The purpose of the marketing: What is the action you want your prospect to take. (Go tour website, call your business, visit your store, etc.) 
  2. How you will achieve that purpose: Competitive advantage and benefits. 
  3. Your target market or markets. 
  4. The marketing weapons you will use. 
  5. Your niche and your position and what you will stand for. 
  6. The identity of your business. 
  7. Your budget, this one should be expressed as a percentage of your projected gross revenues.  

Here is an example for practical application given by the book for a company called Freedom Press that is intending to sell books about freelancing: 

  1. The purpose of Freedom Press marketing is to motivate people to order the book online or by mail so as to sell the maximum number of books at the lowest possible selling cost per book.  
  2. This will be accomplished by positioning the books as being so valuable to freelancers that they are guaranteed to be worth more to the reader than their selling price. 
  3. The target market will be people who are or plan to be engaged in freelance earning activities. 
  4. The marketing tools we plan to use include classified advertising in magazines, newspaper, and online, direct mail, sales at seminars, publicity in newspapers, and on radio and tv, direct sales’ calls to bookstores, weekly postings in online bulletin boards oriented to freelancers, website linked to many other services to serve freelancers.  
  5. The niche that Freedom Press occupies is a business that provides valuable information for freelancers.  
  6. Our identity will be one of expertise, readability, and quick response to customer requests.  
  7. 30% of sales will be allocated to marketing. 


Follow this very simplified way to get started with a marketing plan and it will provide direction and will make your team and customers gain trust in you and your company. Let me know what you think below and get to writing!

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Wk 3: Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA) & Artificial Inteligence??

 72 year old Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA) 

goes back to school for AI

According to many articles, Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA) has returned to school to learn about AI. At 72 years old, Congressman Beyer understands the importance of technology and how to keep up with the times. Artificial Intelligence has become very useful, and it will only continue to grow. Unfortunately, those that are unable or unwilling to learn would have a hard time navigating the future of technology.  

Congressman Beyer told The Washington Post that he was fascinated after he visited an AI company in Arlington, VA that had just performed well with a facial recognition project in an international competition. He also visited the George Mason University new Innovative Initiative and was captivated by the potential of AI. 

In order to enter the master’s program, he needed to complete seven undergraduate courses in math and computer science; with three down this year and four more in 2023, he expects to begin his master’s in 2024. Mr. Beyer said that his AI background will be utilized in his long-standing priority of suicide prevention. This is a personal issue for him, since a staffer died by suicide. 

According to The Washington Post

“The use of AI technology as a tool within the mental health field is relatively nascent. Though the uses vary, one AI role involves finding common factors or patterns in cases of people who may have attempted or died by suicide or expressed suicidal thoughts. AI then uses that data to create risk profiles that could help clinicians identify which patients may be at higher risk and may need more services, explained Adam Horwitz, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan Medical School who specializes in suicide prevention. AI tools are intended to complement, not replace, the work of clinicians who see patients, Horwitz said, and in fact, he noted, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is already deploying the technology.” 

Kudos to you Mr. Beyer!!  

Let me know your thoughts below